Modular Device Profile

The AKD2G implements the EtherCAT modular device profile and contains several modules. Some of the modules can be modified by the user to affect operation and some modules are determined by the drive model. The EtherCAT master should include the modules during a scan to determine what the drive has detected using object F050h as well as download the module selections during the PreOp to Op transition using object F030h.

Safety Modules

There are two safety modules that can be selected based on desired operation for safety parameters. Both modules support FSoE cyclic data, but safety parameters can either be downloaded by the EtherCAT master and validated by the FSoE master or they can be downloaded and validated by WorkBench.



SRA Parameters

Parameters are downloaded by the EtherCAT master during PreOp to Op transition and the FSoE master will validate a CRC during the FSoE transition to operational.


The drive must be in SAFE.STATE 3 (Needs Configuration) when using SRA parameters while in PreOp. SAFE.INVALIDATEPARAMS can be used to clear parameters.

WorkBench Parameters

Parameters are downloaded and validated by WorkBench. The drive must be in SAFE.STATE 6 (Operational) while in PreOp in order to successfully transition into Op.

For more information about safety parameters, see Downloading Safety Parameter Packages.

X22 and X23 Modules

There are two I/O modules that represent objects and keywords that are used when the X22 or X23 connectors are present. See I/O Connectors X21/X22/X23 for which signals are attached to which connector. These modules are not user selectable and will be detected automatically by the drive when the connectors are present or not. They should be picked up on a scan by the EtherCAT master and should not be modified after. If they are attempted to be manually selected by the EtherCAT master, the drive will report an error.